[LMH]TI-Explorer Tapes

Andreas Holz asholz@topinform.com
Sun Jul 6 23:38:01 2003

Hello all,

I'm trying to reinstall a TI-Explorer 1. Since I got no original tapes I 
used tape-images, which I got from Al Kossows site. These are as follows:

2537110-0001F bootRel6.0_3 (with errors)
2537110-003F visidocRev6.0
2537110-003F visidocRev6.0
2537119-0001D expl3.0_tcpIP

Meanwhile I was able to write these tape-images to tape, boot the 
machine and to gt into GDOS. I managed to format the disks.

Since Al Kossow told me, that during the creation of the tape-image of 
the boot-rel tape he got errors, I was also not able to install the 
machine properly.

 From which sources the tapes at 

N982.LOD (since Explorer II still of interest)

have been created.
