[LispM-Hackers] Test under MacOS X

John Morrison jm@mak.com
Wed, 07 Nov 2001 08:28:37 -0500


"James A. Crippen" wrote:
> My fiancee just bought an iMac with MacOS X 10.1 installed.  Naturally
> I felt compelled to obtain the developer's kit which includes GCC
> 2.95.2.  The environment is actually quite nice, and I really
> recommend it as a commercial alternative to a desktop Unix.
> In any case, I snarfed the latest CVS copy of E3 and N928.LOAD and
> compiled and ran.  It seemed to run okay (ie, it dies where you'd expect
> it to :-).  The output looks a little bit funny and I'll do a more
> detailed comparison against my output from Linux a little later on.
> However, I think that we can conclude that currently it works
> perfectly well without modifications.

Ah, that is unexpectedly gratifying.

Now if only we can find somebody who developers under BeOS, eh?  Only

Also, I have a Win2K box with a development environment installed on it
(MS VC 5 or 6 -- I forget which).  I should probably try and build
there, too.

Would that I had more time.


==== John Morrison
==== MAK Technologies Inc.
==== 185 Alewife Brook Parkway, Cambridge, MA 02138
==== http://www.mak.com/
==== vox:617-876-8085 x115
==== fax:617-876-9208
==== jm@mak.com