
nyef@sc.am nyef@sc.am
Thu May 20 07:36:02 2004

On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 10:27:37PM +0100, Robert Swindells wrote:
> Are there any plans to put nevermore into CVS ?

Not really, no. I still don't like CVS.

> I have made a start on adding Explorer-II support to it along with
> some code to parse microcode files.

Oho. On the theory that because all of the other hardware is the same it 
should just be a matter of writing a new CPU emulator? One of the main 
reasons I was concentrating on Raven was that we're closer to having a 
full romset for Raven than we are for Hummingbird (either the ExpII or 
the MX), but I'm certainly open to the idea of emulating both.

Starting a microload without having the STBM code will be... 
interesting. Particularly if you start by loading the primitive.

I can think of a couple things I'd want to change if we're going to 
support Hummingbird in the same codebase. NuBus handling, for starters.
Breaking the CPU emulation out into a separate package from everything 
else as well... We might also want to look for a better name. Poe never 
wrote about a Hummingbird that said 'Nevermore'. ^_-

Have you been concentrating on parsing the microload and a disassembler, 
or do you have some instruction emulation as well?

And would you mind sending me a patch? I may as well at least put 
together another release this weekend or something.

And, of course, the inevitable documentation and ROM request: Does 
anyone have manual part number 2248114-0001 (32-Bit Lisp Microprocessor 
Specification), ROM dumps from an Explorer II, or a working Explorer II 
system? (I suspect that we may need to write our own microload to read 
the IROM and EPROM, and we should certainly be able to write a Lisp 
function to dump a NuBus declaration ROM...)

> Robert Swindells
