[LMH]Memory Board Size

ford@objs.com ford@objs.com
Mon Sep 2 12:49:01 2002

Andreas Eder wrote:

>recently I had some free time to study the SSDN2 and found something
>that I do not understand.
>In teh section about Hardware there is stated that memory boards come
>in sizes between 2 and 32 Mb. But there is also a sentence about the
>address ranges of the boards stating that for a board in slot s the
>addresses are 0xFS000000 up to 0xFSFFFFFF. An if I'm not totally
>mistaken that is just a range of 16 Mb. So where is my fault?
>I hpe someone can enlighten me.
The explorer is word-addressable, not byte-addresseable.
