[LMH]Requirements question

John Morrison jm@mak.com
Thu Apr 25 16:10:02 2002


In the Olde Days, when I used the bare iron application support software
for that Other Language's (Java) OS project, I used to stick support
classfiles in an uncompressed, zipfile-based ramdisk, which Etherboot
would put in high memory, and the JVM would lookup classes in.  It was
easy to add and remove stuff from the ramdisk using (the UNIX based)
"zip" program.

For e3, I have punted on the ramdisk, and just stuck the band in memory,
thinking maybe that I would diddle the page table entries to point to
reorder the load band in place.  Turns out I didn't do that -- I just
use the same code I use on the unix version to read the file a byte at a
time into a big address space (with physical page commitment upon page
fault into that space).  I intend to go and now reclaim the physical
pages the load band occupies now after it has been read.

However, before I go in and chainsaw out the (uncompressed)
zipfile-based ramdisk support from the application support software, are
there any other things that we might like to put in a ramdisk?  Other
than the load band?


==== John Morrison
==== MAK Technologies Inc.
==== 185 Alewife Brook Parkway, Cambridge, MA 02138
==== http://www.mak.com/
==== vox:617-876-8085 x115
==== fax:617-876-9208
==== jm@mak.com