[LispM-Hackers] Re: Microcode ...

Andreas Eder Andreas.Eder@t-online.de
Sat Apr 20 05:44:00 2002

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Ok, here is the code. But remember it is just a quick hack. So it
isn#t as polished as it should be - but then it works, and that is
what i wanted.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Description: mcr dumper
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;;; just a few tools to inspect a band

(defvar *the-band* nil "holds the contents of the load-band")
(defvar *the-mcr*  nil "holds the contents of the micro-load-band")

(defvar *cdr-code-names* 
    #("<CDR-NORMAL>" "<CDR-ERROR>" "<CDR-NIL>" "<CDR-NEXT>"))

(defvar *dtp-names*  
    #("<DTP-Trap>"				;0
      ;; user visible types
      "<DTP-List>"				;1
      "<Dtp-Stack-List>"			;2
      "<DTP-Symbol>"				;3
      "<DTP-Array>"				;4
      "<DTP-Fix>"				;5
      "<DTP-Character>"				;6
      "<DTP-Single-Float>"			;7
      "<DTP-Short-Float>"			;8
      "<DTP-Instance>"				;9
      "<DTP-Extended-Number>"			;10
      "<DTP-Locative>"				;11
      "<DTP-Function>"				;12
      "<DTP-Closure>"				;13
      "<DTP-Lexical-Closure>"			;14
      "<DTP-U-Entry>"				;15
      "<DTP-STACK-GROUP>"			;16
      ;; forwards
      "<DTP-GC-Forward>"			;17
      "<DTP-External-Value-Cell-Pointer>"	;18
      "<DTP-One-Q-Forward>"			;19
      "<DTP-Header-Forward>"			;20
      "<DTP-Body-Forward>"			;21
      ;; headers
      "<DTP-Symbol-Header>"			;22
      "<DTP-Header>"				;23
      "<DTP-Array-Header>"			;24
      "<DTP-Instance-Header>"			;25
      "<DTP-FEF-Header>"			;26
      ;; special purpose
      "<DTP-Self-Ref-Pointer>"			;27
      "<DTP-GC-YOUNG-POINTER>"                  ;28
      ;; errors
      "<DTP-Free>"				;29
      "<DTP-Null>"				;30
      "<DTP-ONES-TRAP>"				;31

;;; accessors to the three fields of a storage cell (a Q)
;;;       31 30 29   25 24                                   0
;;;       +--------------------------------------------------+
;;;       | CC |  DTP  |  POINTER                            |
;;;       +--------------------------------------------------+
;;;       POINTER <0:24>  = Pointer field.  Contains immediate
;;;                         data or pointer to actual storage.
;;;       DTP     <25:29> = Data Type field.
;;;       CC      <30:31> = Cdr Code field.

(defconstant %%q-cdr-code  (byte 2 29))
(defconstant %%q-data-type (byte 5 25))
(defconstant %%q-pointer   (byte 25 0))

(defun dump-typed-q (q &key (base 8))
  (format t "~&<~A ~A ~VR>"
	  (aref *cdr-code-names* (ldb %%q-cdr-code q))
	  (aref *dtp-names* (ldb %%q-data-type q))
	  (ldb %%q-pointer q)))

(defun cdr-code (word)
  (ldb %%q-cdr-code word))

(defun data-type (word)
  (ldb %%q-data-type word))

(defun pointer-field (word)
  (ldb %%q-pointer word))

(defun read-band (bandname)
  "read in the load-band"
  (with-open-file (in bandname :direction :input 
		   :if-does-not-exist :error
		   :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))
    (let ((buf (make-array (file-length in) 
			   :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
      (read-sequence buf in)
      (setq *the-band* buf))))

(defun dump-band (address &key (length 16) (base 8))
  "dump out contents of the band starting at given address"
  (dotimes (i length)
    (let* ((addr (+ address i))
	   (q (aref *the-band* addr)))
      (format t "~&~VR : <~A ~A ~VR>"
	    base addr
	    (aref *cdr-code-names* (ldb %%q-cdr-code q))
	    (aref *dtp-names* (ldb %%q-data-type q))
	    base (ldb %%q-pointer q)))))

(defun read-mcr (mcrname)
  "read in the microcode-band"
  (with-open-file (in mcrname :direction :input 
		   :if-does-not-exist :error
		   :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))
    (let ((buf (make-array (file-length in) 
			   :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
      (read-sequence buf in)
      (setq *the-mcr* buf))))

(defun dump-mcr () 
  "dump out contents of the microcode-band"
  (do ((address 0 (dump-section address))) ;; each dump-section returns
      ((eql -1 address))))                 ;; the next start-address
(defun dump-section (addr)
  (ecase (aref *the-mcr* addr)     ;; switch on section ID number
    (#x0 (dump-partition-header (1+ addr)))
    (#x1 (dump-instruction-memory (1+ addr)))
    (#x2 (dump-dispatch-section (1+ addr)))
    (#x3 (dump-A&M-section (1+ addr)))
    (#x4 (dump-tag-section (1+ addr)))
    (#x5 (dump-I/O-space-initialization (1+ addr)))
    (#x6 (dump-I/O-space-data (1+ addr)))
    (#x7 (dump-main-memory-section (1+ addr)))
    (#xA (dump-aux-data-section (1+ addr)))
    (#xE0F (dump-entry-data-section (1+ addr)))

(defun dump-partition-header (addr)
    (format t "~%~% Microcode Partition Header")
    (format t "~& Processor ID   ~D" 
	    (ldb (byte 16 0) (aref *the-mcr* addr)))
    (incf addr)
    (format t "~& Version Number ~D" (aref *the-mcr* addr))
    (incf addr)
    (format t "~& Active Length  #x~X ('ffffffff' means no checksum)"
	    (aref *the-mcr* addr))
    (incf addr)
    (format t "~& Checksum       ~X" (aref *the-mcr* addr))
    (incf addr)))

(defun dump-instruction-memory (addr)
    (format t "~%~% Instruction Memory Section")
    (let ((wcs (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	  (n (aref *the-mcr* (1+ addr))))
      (format t "~& WCS Address   #x~X" wcs)
      (format t "~& Number of words ~D" n)
      (incf addr 2)
      (dotimes  (i n)
	(format t "~& #x~4,'0X : #x~16,'0,X" 
		(+ wcs i) 
		(+ (ash (aref *the-mcr* (1+ addr)) 32)
		   (aref *the-mcr* addr)))
	(incf addr 2)))

(defun dump-dispatch-section (addr)
    (format t "~%~% Dispatch Section")
    (let ((dispa (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	  (n (aref *the-mcr* (1+ addr))))
      (format t "~& Dispatch Address   #o~O" dispa)
      (format t "~& Number of words ~D" n)
      (incf addr 2)
      (dotimes  (i n)
	(format t "~& #o~O : #o~6,'0,O" (+ dispa i)
		(ldb (byte 18 0) (aref *the-mcr* addr)))
	(incf addr)))

(defun dump-A&M-section (addr)
    (format t "~%~% A&M Memory Section")
    (let ((mema (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	  (n (aref *the-mcr* (1+ addr))))
      (format t "~& A&M Address   #x~X" mema)
      (format t "~& Number of words ~D" n)
      (incf addr 2)
      (dotimes  (i n)
	(format t "~& #x~3,'0X : #x~8,'0,X" 
		(+ mema i) (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	(incf addr)))

(defun dump-tag-section (addr)
    (format t "~%~% Tag Classifier Section")
    (let ((start (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	  (n (aref *the-mcr* (1+ addr))))
      (format t "~& Startin Tag Class   #x~X" start)
      (format t "~& Number of Classes ~D" n)
      (incf addr 2)
      (dotimes  (i n)
	(let ((q0 (ldb (byte 16 16) (aref *the-mcr* addr)))
	      (q1 (ldb (byte 16 16) (aref *the-mcr* (1+ addr))))
	      (q2 (ldb (byte 16 16) (aref *the-mcr* (+ addr 2))))
	      (q3 (ldb (byte 16 16) (aref *the-mcr* (+ addr 3)))))
	  (format t "~& #x~X : #x~16,'0,X" 
		  (+ start i)
		  (+ (ash q3 48) (ash q2 32) (ash q1 16) q0)))
	  (incf addr 4)))

(defun dump-I/O-space-initialization (addr)
    (format t "~%~% I/O Space Initialization Section")
    (format t "~& Starting Address #x~8,'0X" (aref *the-mcr* addr))
    (incf addr)
    (format t "~& Number of Words #x~4,'0X" (aref *the-mcr* addr))
    (incf addr)
    (format t "~& Initial Data #x~8,'0X" (aref *the-mcr* addr))
    (incf addr)
    (format t "~& Insert Memory Offset: enable insertion ~D rotation length #x~X rotation count #x~X"
	    (ldb (byte 1 31) (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	    (ldb (byte 5 5) (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	    (ldb (byte 4 0) (aref *the-mcr* addr)))
    (incf addr)
    (format t "~& Data Increment #x~8,'0X" (aref *the-mcr* addr))
    (incf addr)
    (format t "~& Address Increment #x~8,'0X" (aref *the-mcr* addr))
    (incf addr)))

(defun dump-I/O-space-data (addr)
    (format t "~%~% I/O Space Data Section")
    (let ((start (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	  (n (aref *the-mcr* (1+ addr)))
	  (incr (aref *the-mcr* (+ 2 addr))))
      (format t "~& Starting Address   #x~X" start)
      (format t "~& Number of words ~D" n)
      (format t "~& Address Increment #x~X" incr)
      (incf addr 3)
      (dotimes  (i n)
	(format t "~& #x~8,'0X : #x~8,'0,X" 
		(+ start i) (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	(incf addr)))

(defun dump-main-memory-section (addr)
    (format t "~%~% Main Memory Data Section")
    (let ((start (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	  (n (aref *the-mcr* (1+ addr))))
      (format t "~& Destination Address   #x~X" start)
      (format t "~& Number of words ~D" n)
      (incf addr 2)
      (dotimes  (i n)
	(format t "~& #x~8,'0X : #x~8,'0,X" 
		(+ start i) (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	(incf addr)))

(defun dump-aux-data-section (addr)
    (format t "~%~% Auxiliary Data Section")
    (let ((sub-id (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	  (n (aref *the-mcr* (1+ addr))))
      (format t "~& Sub ID   #x~X" sub-id)
      (format t "~& Number of words ~D" n)
      (incf addr 2)
      (dotimes  (i n)
	(format t "~& #x~8,'0X : #x~8,'0,X" i (aref *the-mcr* addr))
	(incf addr)))

(defun dump-entry-data-section (addr)
    (format t "~%~% Entry Data Section")
    (format t "~& Micro PC #x~8,'0,X" (aref *the-mcr* addr))
    (format t "~& MCR      #x~8,'0,X" (aref *the-mcr* (1+ addr)))
    -1)) ; the end
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Wherever I lay my .emacs, there=B4s my $HOME.
