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21. "Areas"

.setq area section-page .setq area-chapter chapter-number

Storage in the Lisp Machine is divided into areas. Each area contains related objects, of any type. Areas are intended to give the user control over the paging behavior of his program, among other things. By putting related data together, locality can be greatly increased. Whenever a new object is created the area to be used can optionally be specified. For example, instead of using cons you can use cons-in-area (see (cons-in-area-fun)). Object-creating functions which take keyword arguments generally accept a :area argument. You can also control which area is used by binding default-cons-area (see (default-cons-area-var)); most functions that allocate storage use the value of this variable, by default, to specify the area to use.

There is a default Working Storage area which collects those objects which the user has not chosen to control explicitly.

Areas also give the user a handle to control the garbage collector. Some areas can be declared to be "static", which means that they change slowly and the garbage collector should not attempt to reclaim any space in them. This can eliminate a lot of useless copying. A "static" area can be explicitly garbage-collected at infrequent intervals when it is believed that that might be worthwhile.

Each area can potentially have a different storage discipline, a different paging algorithm, and even a different data representation. The microcode will dispatch on an attribute of the area at the appropriate times. The structure of the machine makes the performance cost of these features negligible; information about areas is stored in extra bits in the memory mapping hardware where it can be quickly dispatched on by the microcode; these dispatches usually have to be done anyway to make the garbage collector work, and to implement invisible pointers. This feature is not currently used by the system, except for the list/structure distinction described below.

Each area has a name and a number. The name is a symbol whose value is the number. The number is an index into various internal tables. Normally the name is treated as a special variable, so the number is what is given as an argument to a function that takes an area as an argument. Thus, areas are not Lisp objects; you cannot pass an area itself as an argument to a function; you just pass its number. There is a maximum number of areas (set at cold-load generation time); you can only have that many areas before the various internal tables overflow. Currently (as this manual is written) the limit is 256. areas, of which 64. already exist when you start.

The storage of an area consists of one or more regions. Each region is a contiguous section of address space with certain homogeneous properties. The most important of these is the data representation type. A given region can only store one type. The two types that exist now are list and structure. A list is anything made out of conses (a closure for instance). A structure is anything made out of a block of memory with a header at the front; symbols, strings, arrays, instances, compiled functions, etc. Since lists and structures cannot be stored in the same region, they cannot be on the same page. It is necessary to know about this when using areas to increase locality of reference.

When you create an area, one region is created initially. When you try to allocate memory to hold an object in some area, the system tries to find a region that has the right data representation type to hold this object, and that has enough room for it to fit. If there isn't any such region, it makes a new one (or signals an error; see the :size option to make-area, below). The size of the new region is an attribute of the area (controllable by the :region-size option to make-area). If regions are too large, memory may get taken up by a region and never used. If regions are too small, the system may run out of regions because regions, like areas, are defined by internal tables that have a fixed size (set at cold-load generation time). Currently (as this manual is written) the limit is 256. regions, of which about 90. already exist when you start. (If you're wondering why the limit on regions isn't higher than the limit on areas, as it clearly ought to be, it's just because both limits have to be multiples of 256. for internal reasons, and 256. regions seem to be enough.)

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21.1 Area Functions and Variables

Variable: default-cons-area
The value of this variable is the number of the area in which objects are created by default. It is initially the number of working-storage-area. Giving nil where an area is required uses the value of default-cons-area. Note that to put objects into an area other than working-storage-area you can either bind this variable or use functions such as cons-in-area (see (cons-in-area-fun)) which take the area as an explicit argument.

Function: make-area &rest keywords
Creates a new area, whose name and attributes are specified by the keywords. You must specify a symbol as a name; the symbol will be setq'ed to the area-number of the new area, and that number will also be returned, so that you can use make-area as the initialization of a defvar. The arguments are taken in pairs, the first being a keyword and the second a "value" for that keyword. The last three keywords documented herein are in the nature of subprimitives; like the stuff in chapter (subprimitive-chapter), their meaning is system-dependent and is not documented here. The following keywords exist:

.kitem :name A symbol which will be the name of the area. This item is required. .kitem :size The maximum allowed size of the area, in words. Defaults to infinite. If the number of words allocated to the area reaches this size, attempting to cons an object in the area will signal an error. .kitem :region-size The approximate size, in words, for regions within this area. The default is the area size if a :size argument was given, otherwise a suitable medium size. Note that if you specify :size and not :region-size, the area will have exactly one region. When making an area which will be very big, it is desirable to make the region size larger than the default region size to avoid creating very many regions and possibly overflowing the system's fixed-size region tables. .kitem :representation The type of object to be contained in the area's initial region. The argument to this keyword can be :list, :structure, or a numeric code. :structure is the default. If you are only going to cons lists in your area, you should specify :list so you don't get a useless structure region. .kitem :gc The type of garbage-collection to be employed. The choices are :dynamic (which is the default) and :static. :static means that the area will not be copied by the garbage collector, and nothing in the area or pointed to by the area will ever be reclaimed, unless a garbage collection of this area is manually requested. .kitem :read-only With an argument of t, causes the area to be made read-only. Defaults to nil. If an area is read-only, then any attempt to change anything in it (altering a data object in the area, or creating a new object in the area) will signal an error unless sys:%inhibit-read-only (see (sys:%inhibit-read-only-var)) is bound to a non-nil value. .kitem :pdl With an argument of t, makes the area suitable for storing regular-pdls of stack-groups. This is a special attribute due to the pdl-buffer hardware. Defaults to nil. Areas for which this is nil may not be used to store regular-pdls. Areas for which this is t are relatively slow to access; all references to pages in the area will take page faults to check whether the referenced location is really in the pdl-buffer. .kitem sys:%%region-map-bits Lets you specify the map bits explicitly, overriding the specification from the other keywords. This is for special hacks only. .kitem sys:%%region-space-type Lets you specify the space type explicitly, overriding the specification from the other keywords. This is for special hacks only. .kitem sys:%%region-scavenge-enable Lets you override the scavenge-enable bit explicitly. This is an internal flag related to the garbage collector. Don't mess with this! .kitem :room With an argument of t, adds this area to the list of areas which are displayed by default by the room function (see (room-fun)).

(make-area ':name 'foo-area
	   ':gc ':dynamic
	   ':representation ':list)

Function: describe-area area
area may be the name or the number of an area. Various attributes of the area are printed.

Variable: area-list
The value of area-list is a list of the names of all existing areas. This list shares storage with the internal area name table, so you should not change it.

Function: %area-number pointer
Returns the number of the area to which pointer points, or nil if it does not point within any known area. The data-type of pointer is ignored.

Function: %region-number pointer
Returns the number of the region to which pointer points, or nil if it does not point within any known region. The data-type of pointer is ignored. (This information is generally not very interesting to users; it is important only inside the system.)

Function: area-name number
Given an area number, returns the name. This "function" is actually an array.

See also cons-in-area ((cons-in-area-fun)), list-in-area ((list-in-area-fun)), and room ((room-fun)).

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21.2 Interesting Areas

This section lists the names of some of the areas and tells what they are for. Only the ones of the most interest to a user are listed; there are many others.

Variable: working-storage-area
This is the normal value of default-cons-area. Most working data are consed in this area.

Variable: permanent-storage-area
This area is to be used for "permanent" data, which will (almost) never become garbage. Unlike working-storage-area, the contents of this area are not continually copied by the garbage collector; it is a static area.

Variable: sys:p-n-string
Print-names of symbols are stored in this area.

Variable: sys:nr-sym
This area contains most of the symbols in the Lisp world, except t and nil, which are in a different place for historical reasons.

Variable: sys:pkg-area
This area contains packages, principally the hash tables with which intern keeps track of symbols.

Variable: macro-compiled-program
FEFs (compiled functions) are put here by the compiler and by fasload.

Variable: sys:property-list-area
This area holds the property lists of symbols.

Variable: sys:init-list-area
Variable: sys:fasl-constants-area
These two areas contain constants used by compiled programs.

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