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16. "Stack Groups"

.setq stack-group section-page .setq stack-group-chapter chapter-number

A stack group (usually abbreviated "SG") is a type of Lisp object useful for implementation of certain advanced control structures such as coroutines and generators. Processes, which are a kind of coroutine, are built on top of stack groups (see (process)). A stack group represents a computation and its internal state, including the Lisp stack.

At any time, the computation being performed by the Lisp Machine is associated with one stack group, called the current or running stack group. The operation of making some stack group be the current stack group is called a resumption or a stack group switch; the previously running stack group is said to have resumed the new stack group. The resume operation has two parts: first, the state of the running computation is saved away inside the current stack group, and secondly the state saved in the new stack group is restored, and the new stack group is made current. Then the computation of the new stack group resumes its course.

The stack group itself holds a great deal of state information. It contains the control stack, or "regular PDL". The control stack is what you are shown by the backtracing commands of the error handler (Control-B, Meta-B, and Control-Meta-B); it remembers the function which is running, its caller, its caller's caller, etc., and the point of execution of each function (the "return addresses" of each function). A stack group also contains the environment stack, or "special PDL". This contains all of the values saved by lambda-binding. The name "stack group" derives from the existence of these two stacks. Finally, the stack group contains various internal state information (contents of machine registers and so on).

When the state of the current stack group is saved away, all of its bindings are undone, and when the state is restored, the bindings are put back. Note that although bindings are temporarily undone, unwind-protect handlers are not run by a stack-group switch (see let-globally, (let-globally-fun)).

Each stack group is a separate environment for purposes of function calling, throwing, dynamic variable binding, and condition signalling. All stack groups run in the same address space, thus they share the same Lisp data and the same global (not lambda-bound) variables.

When a new stack group is created, it is empty: it doen't contain the state of any computation, so it can't be resumed. In order to get things going, the stack group must be set to an initial state. This is done by "presetting" the stack group. To preset a stack group, you supply a function and a set of arguments. The stack group is placed in such a state that when it is first resumed, this function will call those arguments. The function is called the "initial" function of the stack group.

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16.1 Resuming of Stack Groups

The interesting thing that happens to stack groups is that they resume each other. When one stack group resumes a second stack group, the current state of Lisp execution is saved away in the first stack group, and is restored from the second stack group. Resuming is also called "switching stack groups".

At any time, there is one stack group associated with the current computation; it is called the current stack group. The computations associated with other stack groups have their states saved away in memory, and they are not computing. So the only stack group that can do anything at all, in particular resuming other stack groups, is the current one.

You can look at things from the point of view of one computation. Suppose it is running along, and it resumes some stack group. Its state is saved away into the current stack group, and the computation associated with the one it called starts up. The original computation lies dormant in the original stack group, while other computations go around resuming each other, until finally the original stack group is resumed by someone. Then the computation is restored from the stack group and gets to run again.

There are several ways that the current stack group can resume other stack groups. This section describes all of them.

Associated with each stack group is a resumer. The resumer is nil or another stack group. Some forms of resuming examine and alter the resumer of some stack groups.

Resuming has another ability: it can transmit a Lisp object from the old stack group to the new stack group. Each stack group specifies a value to transmit whenever it resumes another stack group; whenever a stack group is resumed, it receives a value.

In the descriptions below, let c stand for the current stack group, s stand for some other stack group, and x stand for any arbitrary Lisp object.

Stack groups can be used as functions. They accept one argument. If c calls s as a function with one argument x, then s is resumed, and the object transmitted is x. When c is resumed (usually--but not necessarily--by s), the object transmitted by that resumption will be returned as the value of the call to s. This is one of the simple ways to resume a stack group: call it as a function. The value you transmit is the argument to the function, and the value you receive is the value returned from the function. Furthermore, this form of resuming sets s's resumer to be c.

Another way to resume a stack group is to use stack-group-return. Rather than allowing you to specify which stack group to resume, this function always resumes the resumer of the current stack group. Thus, this is a good way to resume whoever it was who resumed you, assuming he did it by function-calling. stack-group-return takes one argument which is the object to transmit. It returns when someone resumes the current stack group, and returns one value, the object that was transmitted by that resumption. stack-group-return does not affect the resumer of any stack group.

The most fundamental way to do resuming is with stack-group-resume, which takes two arguments: the stack group, and a value to transmit. It returns when someone resumes the current stack group, returning the value that was transmitted by that resumption, and does not affect any stack group's resumer.

If the initial function of c attempts to return a value x, the regular kind of Lisp function return cannot take place, since the function did not have any caller (it got there when the stack group was initialized). So instead of normal function returning, a "stack group return" happens. c's resumer is resumed, and the value transmitted is x. c is left in a state ("exhausted") from which it cannot be resumed again; any attempt to resume it will signal an error. Presetting it will make it work again.

Those are the "voluntary" forms of stack group switch; a resumption happens because the computation said it should. There are also two "involuntary" forms, in which another stack group is resumed without the explicit request of the running program.

If an error occurs, the current stack group resumes the error handler stack group. The value transmitted is partially descriptive of the error, and the error handler looks inside the saved state of the erring stack group to get the rest of the information. The error handler recovers from the error by changing the saved state of the erring stack group and then resuming it.

When certain events occur, typically a 1-second clock tick, a sequence break occurs. This forces the current stack group to resume a special stack group called the scheduler (see (scheduler)). The scheduler implements processes by resuming, one after another, the stack group of each process that is ready to run.

Variable: sys:%current-stack-group-previous-stack-group
The binding of this variable is the resumer of the current stack group.

Variable: sys:%current-stack-group
The value of sys:%current-stack-group is the stack group which is currently running. A program can use this variable to get its hands on its own stack group.

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16.2 Stack Group States

A stack group has a state, which controls what it will do when it is resumed. The code number for the state is returned by the function sys:sg-current-state. This number will be the value of one of the following symbols. Only the states actually used by the current system are documented here; some other codes are defined but not used.

The stack group is the current one.

The stack group is waiting to be resumed, at which time it will pick up its saved machine state and continue doing what it was doing before.

The stack group called some other stack group as a function. When it is resumed, it will return from that function call.

The stack group has been preset (see below) but has never been called. When it is resumed, it will call its initial function with the preset arguments.

The stack group's initial function has returned. It cannot be resumed.

When a stack group gets an error it goes into this state, which prevents anything from happening to it until the error handler has looked at it. In the meantime it cannot be resumed.

When the stack group is resumed, it will call a function. The function and arguments are already set up on the stack. The debugger uses this to force the stack group being debugged to do things.

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16.3 Stack Group Functions

Function: make-stack-group name &optional options
This creates and returns a new stack group. name may be any symbol or string; it is used in the stack group's printed representation. options is a list of alternating keywords and values. The options are not too useful; most calls to make-stack-group don't need any options at all. The options are:

.kitem :sg-area The area in which to create the stack group structure itself. Defaults to the default area (the value of default-cons-area). .kitem :regular-pdl-area The area in which to create the regular PDL. Note that this may not be any area; only certain areas will do, because regular PDLs are cached in a hardware device called the pdl buffer. The default is sys:pdl-area. .kitem :special-pdl-area The area in which to create the special PDL. Defaults to the default area (the value of default-cons-area). .kitem :regular-pdl-size Length of the regular PDL to be created. Defaults to 3000. .kitem :special-pdl-size Length of the special PDL to be created. Defaults to 2000. .kitem :swap-sv-on-call-out
These flags default to 1. If these are 0, the system does not maintain separate binding environments for each stack group. You do not want to use this feature.

.kitem :trap-enable This determines what to do if a microcode error occurs. If it is 1 the system tries to handle the error; if it is 0 the machine halts. Defaults to 1.

.kitem :safe If this flag is 1 (the default), a strict call-return discipline among stack-groups is enforced. If 0, no restriction on stack-group switching is imposed.

Function: stack-group-preset stack-group function &rest arguments
This sets up stack-group so that when it is resumed, function will be applied to arguments within the stack group. Both stacks are made empty; all saved state in the stack group is destroyed. stack-group-preset is typically used to initialize a stack group just after it is made, but it may be done to any stack group at any time. Doing this to a stack group which is not exhausted will destroy its present state without properly cleaning up by running unwind-protects.

Function: stack-group-resume s x
Resumes s, transmitting the value x. No stack group's resumer is affected.

Function: stack-group-return x
Resumes the current stack group's resumer, transmitting the value x. No stack group's resumer is affected.

Function: symeval-in-stack-group symbol sg &optional frame as-if-current
Evaluates the variable symbol in the binding environment of sg. If frame is not nil, if evaluates symbol in the binding environment of execution in that frame. (A frame is an index in the stack group's regular pdl).

Two values are returned: the symbol's value, and a locative to where the value is stored. If as-if-current is not nil, the locative points to where the value would be stored if sg were running. This may be different from where the value is stored now; for example, the current binding in stack group sg is stored in symbol's value cell when sg is running, but is probably stored in sg's special pdl when sg is not running. as-if-current makes no difference if sg actually is the current stack group.

If symbol is unbound in the specified stack group and frame, this will get an unbound-variable error.

There are a large number of functions in the sys: and eh: packages for manipulating the internal details of stack groups. These are not documented here as they are not necessary for most users or even system programmers to know about. Refer to the file SYS: LMWIN; EH LISP for them.

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16.4 Input/Output in Stack Groups

.setq sg-terminal-io-issues section-page

Because each stack group has its own set of dynamic bindings, a stack group will not inherit its creator's value of terminal-io (see (terminal-io-var)), nor its caller's, unless you make special provision for this. The terminal-io a stack group gets by default is a "background" stream which does not normally expect to be used. If it is used, it will turn into a "background window" which will request the user's attention. Usually this is because an error printout is trying to be printed on the stream. [This will all be explained in the window system documentation.]

If you write a program that uses multiple stack groups, and you want them all to do input and output to the terminal, you should pass the value of terminal-io to the top-level function of each stack group as part of the stack-group-preset, and that function should bind the variable terminal-io.

Another technique is to use a closure as the top-level function of a stack group. This closure can bind terminal-io and any other variables that are desired to be shared between the stack group and its creator.

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16.5 An Example of Stack Groups

The canonical coroutine example is the so-called samefringe problem: Given two trees, determine whether they contain the same atoms in the same order, ignoring parenthesis structure. A better way of saying this is, given two binary trees built out of conses, determine whether the sequence of atoms on the fringes of the trees is the same, ignoring differences in the arrangement of the internal skeletons of the two trees. Following the usual rule for trees, nil in the cdr of a cons is to be ignored.

One way of solving this problem is to use generator coroutines. We make a generator for each tree. Each time the generator is called it returns the next element of the fringe of its tree. After the generator has examined the entire tree, it returns a special "exhausted" flag. The generator is most naturally written as a recursive function. The use of coroutines, i.e. stack groups, allows the two generators to recurse separately on two different control stacks without having to coordinate with each other.

The program is very simple. Constructing it in the usual bottom-up style, we first write a recursive function which takes a tree and stack-group-returns each element of its fringe. The stack-group-return is how the generator coroutine delivers its output. We could easily test this function by changing stack-group-return to print and trying it on some examples.
(defun fringe (tree)
  (cond ((atom tree) (stack-group-return tree))
	(t (fringe (car tree))
	   (if (not (null (cdr tree)))
	       (fringe (cdr tree))))))

Now we package this function inside another, which takes care of returning the special "exhausted" flag.
(defun fringe1 (tree exhausted)
  (fringe tree)

The samefringe function takes the two trees as arguments and returns t or nil. It creates two stack groups to act as the two generator coroutines, presets them to run the fringe1 function, then goes into a loop comparing the two fringes. The value is nil if a difference is discovered, or t if they are still the same when the end is reached.
(defun samefringe (tree1 tree2)
  (let ((sg1 (make-stack-group "samefringe1"))
	(sg2 (make-stack-group "samefringe2"))
	(exhausted (ncons nil)))
    (stack-group-preset sg1 #'fringe1 tree1 exhausted)
    (stack-group-preset sg2 #'fringe1 tree2 exhausted)
    (do ((v1) (v2)) (nil)
      (setq v1 (funcall sg1 nil)
	    v2 (funcall sg2 nil))
      (cond ((neq v1 v2) (return nil))
	    ((eq v1 exhausted) (return t))))))

Now we test it on a couple of examples.
(samefringe '(a b c) '(a (b c))) => t
(samefringe '(a b c) '(a b c d)) => nil

The problem with this is that a stack group is quite a large object, and we make two of them every time we compare two fringes. This is a lot of unnecessary overhead. It can easily be eliminated with a modest amount of explicit storage allocation, using the resource facility (see (defresource-fun)). While we're at it, we can avoid making the exhausted flag fresh each time; its only important property is that it not be an atom.
(defresource samefringe-coroutine ()
   :constructor (make-stack-group "for-samefringe"))

(defvar exhausted-flag (ncons nil))

(defun samefringe (tree1 tree2)
  (using-resource (sg1 samefringe-coroutine)
    (using-resource (sg2 samefringe-coroutine)
      (stack-group-preset sg1 #'fringe1 tree1 exhausted-flag)
      (stack-group-preset sg2 #'fringe1 tree2 exhausted-flag)
      (do ((v1) (v2)) (nil)
	(setq v1 (funcall sg1 nil)
	      v2 (funcall sg2 nil))
	(cond ((neq v1 v2) (return nil))
	      ((eq v1 exhausted-flag) (return t)))))))

Now we can compare the fringes of two trees with no allocation of memory whatsoever.

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