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13. Functions

.setq function-functions section-page .setq function-chapter chapter-number

Functions are the basic building blocks of Lisp programs. This chapter describes the functions in Zetalisp that are used to manipulate functions. It also explains how to manipulate special forms and macros.

This chapter contains internal details intended for those writing programs to manipulate programs as well as material suitable for the beginner. Feel free to skip sections that look complicated or uninteresting when reading this for the first time.

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13.1 What Is a Function?

There are many different kinds of functions in Zetalisp. Here are the printed representations of examples of some of them:
(lambda (x) (car (last x)))
(named-lambda foo (x) (car (last (x))))
(subst (x) (car (last x)))
#<dtp-fef-pointer append 1424771>
#<dtp-u-entry last 270>
#<dtp-closure 1477464>
We will examine these and other types of functions in detail later in this chapter. There is one thing they all have in common: a function is a Lisp object that can be applied to arguments. All of the above objects may be applied to some arguments and will return a value. Functions are Lisp objects and so can be manipulated in all the usual ways; you can pass them as arguments, return them as values, and make other Lisp objects refer to them.

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13.2 Function Specs

.setq function-spec section-page

The name of a function does not have to be a symbol. Various kinds of lists describe other places where a function can be found. A Lisp object which describes a place to find a function is called a function spec. ("Spec" is short for "specification".) Here are the printed representations of some typical function specs:
(:property foo bar)
(:method tv:graphics-mixin :draw-line)
(:internal foo 1)
(:within foo bar)
(:location #<dtp-locative 7435216>)

Function specs have two purposes: they specify a place to remember a function, and they serve to name functions. The most common kind of function spec is a symbol, which specifies that the function cell of the symbol is the place to remember the function. We will see all the kinds of function spec, and what they mean, shortly. Function specs are not the same thing as functions. You cannot, in general, apply a function spec to arguments. The time to use a function spec is when you want to do something to the function, such as define it, look at its definition, or compile it.

Some kinds of functions remember their own names, and some don't. The "name" remembered by a function can be any kind of function spec, although it is usually a symbol. In the examples of functions in the previous section, the one starting with the symbol named-lambda, the one whose printed representation included dtp-fef-pointer, and the dtp-u-entry remembered names (the function specs foo, append, and last respectively). The others didn't remember their names.

To define a function spec means to make that function spec remember a given function. This is done with the fdefine function; you give fdefine a function spec and a function, and fdefine remembers the function in the place specified by the function spec. The function associated with a function spec is called the definition of the function spec. A single function can be the definition of more than one function spec at the same time, or of no function specs.

To define a function means to create a new function, and define a given function spec as that new function. This is what the defun special form does. Several other special forms, such as defmethod ((defmethod-fun)) and defselect ((defselect-fun)) do this too.

These special forms that define functions usually take a function spec, create a function whose name is that function spec, and then define that function spec to be the newly-created function. Most function definitions are done this way, and so usually if you go to a function spec and see what function is there, the function's name will be the same as the function spec. However, if you define a function named foo with defun, and then define the symbol bar to be this same function, the name of the function is unaffected; both foo and bar are defined to be the same function, and the name of that function is foo, not bar.

A function spec's definition in general consists of a basic definition surrounded by encapsulations. Both the basic definition and the encapsulations are functions, but of recognizably different kinds. What defun creates is a basic definition, and usually that is all there is. Encapsulations are made by function-altering functions such as trace and advise. When the function is called, the entire definition, which includes the tracing and advice, is used. If the function is "redefined" with defun, only the basic definition is changed; the encapsulations are left in place. See the section on encapsulations, (encapsulate).

A function spec is a Lisp object of one of the following types:

a symbol
The function is remembered in the function cell of the symbol. See (fsymeval-fun) for an explanation of function cells and the primitive functions to manipulate them.

(:property symbol property)
The function is remembered on the property list of the symbol; doing (get symbol property) would return the function. Storing functions on property lists is a frequently-used technique for dispatching (that is, deciding at run-time which function to call, on the basis of input data).

.setq method-function-spec section-page

(:method flavor-name message)
(:method flavor-name method-type message)
The function is remembered inside internal data structures of the flavor system. See the chapter on flavors ((flavor)) for details.

(:handler flavor-name message)
This is a name for the function actually called when a message message is sent to an instance of the flavor flavor-name. The difference between :handler and :method is that the handler may be a method inherited from some other flavor or a combined method automatically written by the flavor system. Methods are what you define in source files; handlers are not. Note that redefining or encapsulating a handler affects only the named flavor, not any other flavors built out of it. Thus :handler function specs are often used with trace (see (trace-fun)) and advise (see (advise-fun)).

(:location pointer)
The function is stored in the cdr of pointer, which may be a locative or a list. This is for pointing at an arbitrary place which there is no other way to describe. This form of function spec isn't useful in defun (and related special forms) because the reader has no printed representation for locative pointers and always creates new lists; these function specs are intended for programs that manipulate functions (see (programs-that-manipulate-functions)).

(:within within-function function-to-affect)
This refers to the meaning of the symbol function-to-affect, but only where it occurs in the text of the definition of within-function. If you define this function spec as anything but the symbol function-to-affect itself, then that symbol is replaced throughout the definition of within-function by a new symbol which is then defined as you specify. See the section on function encapsulation ((encapsulate)) for more information.

(:internal function-spec number)
Some Lisp functions contain internal functions, created by (function (lambda ...)) forms. These internal functions need names when compiled, but they do not have symbols as names; instead they are named by :internal function-specs. function-spec is the containing function. number is a sequence number; the first internal function the compiler comes across in a given function will be numbered 0, the next 1, etc. Internal functions are remembered inside the FEF of their containing function.

Here is an example of the use of a function spec which is not a symbol:
(defun (:property foo bar-maker) (thing &optional kind)
  (set-the 'bar thing (make-bar 'foo thing kind)))
This puts a function on foo's bar-maker property. Now you can say
(funcall (get 'foo 'bar-maker) 'baz)

Unlike the other kinds of function spec, a symbol can be used as a function. If you apply a symbol to arguments, the symbol's function definition is used instead. If the definition of the first symbol is another symbol, the definition of the second symbol is used, and so on, any number of times. But this is an exception; in general, you can't apply function specs to arguments.

A keyword symbol which identifies function specs (may appear in the car of a list which is a function spec) is identified by a sys:function-spec-handler property whose value is a function which implements the various manipulations on function specs of that type. The interface to this function is internal and not documented in this manual.

For compatibility with Maclisp, the function-defining special forms defun, macro, and defselect (and other defining forms built out of them, such as defunp and defmacro) will also accept a list
(symbol property)
as a function name. This is translated into
(:property symbol property)
symbol must not be one of the keyword symbols which identifies a function spec, since that would be ambiguous.

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13.3 Simple Function Definitions

Special Form: defun
defun is the usual way of defining a function which is part of a program. A defun form looks like:

(defun name lambda-list
name is the function spec you wish to define as a function. The lambda-list is a list of the names to give to the arguments of the function. Actually, it is a little more general than that; it can contain lambda-list keywords such as &optional and &rest. (These keywords are explained in (lambda-list) and other keywords are explained in (lambda-list-keywords).) See (additional-defun-explanation) for some additional syntactic features of defun.

defun creates a list which looks like
(named-lambda name lambda-list body...)
and puts it in the function cell of name. name is now defined as a function and can be called by other forms.

(defun addone (x)
  (1+ x))

(defun foo (a &optional (b 5) c &rest e &aux j)
  (setq j (+ (addone a) b))
  (cond ((not (null c))
	 (cons j e))
	(t j))) 

addone is a function which expects a number as an argument, and returns a number one larger. foo is a complicated function which takes one required argument, two optional arguments, and any number of additional arguments which are given to the function as a list named e.

A declaration (a list starting with declare) can appear as the first element of the body. It is equivalent to a local-declare (see (local-declare-fun)) surrounding the entire defun form. For example,
(defun foo (x)
  (declare (special x))
  (bar))             ;bar uses x free.
is equivalent to and preferable to
(local-declare ((special x))
  (defun foo (x)
(It is preferable because the editor expects the open parenthesis of a top-level function definition to be the first character on a line, which isn't possible in the second form without incorrect indentation.)

A documentation string can also appear as the first element of the body (following the declaration, if there is one). (It shouldn't be the only thing in the body; otherwise it is the value returned by the function and so is not interpreted as documentation. A string as an element of a body other than the last element is only evaluated for side-effect, and since evaluation of strings has no side effects, they aren't useful in this position to do any computation, so they are interpreted as documentation.) This documentation string becomes part of the function's debugging info and can be obtained with the function documentation (see (documentation-fun)). The first line of the string should be a complete sentence which makes sense read by itself, since there are two editor commands to get at the documentation, one of which is "brief" and prints only the first line. Example:
(defun my-append (&rest lists)
   "Like append but copies all the lists.
This is like the Lisp function append, except that
append copies all lists except the last, whereas
this function copies all of its arguments
including the last one."

Macro: defunp
Usually when a function uses prog, the prog form is the entire body of the function; the definition of such a function looks like (defun name arglist (prog varlist ...)). Although the use of prog is generally discouraged, prog fans may want to use this special form. For convenience, the defunp macro can be used to produce such definitions. A defunp form such as
(defunp fctn (args)
expands into
(defun fctn (args)
  (prog ()
	(return formn)))

You can think of defunp as being like defun except that you can return out of the middle of the function's body.

For more information on defining functions, and other ways of doing so, see (function-defining).

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13.4 Operations the User Can Perform on Functions

Here is a list of the various things a user (as opposed to a program) is likely to want to do to a function. In all cases, you specify a function spec to say where to find the function.

To print out the definition of the function spec with indentation to make it legible, use grindef (see (grindef-fun)). This works only for interpreted functions. If the definition is a compiled function, it can't be printed out as Lisp code, but its compiled code can be printed by the disassemble function (see (disassemble-fun)).

To find out about how to call the function, you can ask to see its documentation, or its argument names. (The argument names are usually chosen to have mnemonic significance for the caller). Use arglist ((arglist-fun)) to see the argument names and documentation ((documentation-fun)) to see the documentation string. There are also editor commands for doing these things: the CTRL/SHIFT/D and META/SHIFT/D commands are for looking at a function's documentation, and CTRL/SHIFT/A is for looking at an argument list. CTRL/SHIFT/A does not ask for the function name; it acts on the function which is called by the innermost expression which the cursor is inside. Usually this is the function which will be called by the form you are in the process of writing.

You can see the function's debugging info alist by means of the function debugging-info (see (debugging-info-fun)).

When you are debugging, you can use trace (see (trace-fun)) to obtain a printout or a break loop whenever the function is called. You can use breakon (see (breakon-fun)) to cause the error handler to be entered whenever the function is called; from there, you can step through further function calls and returns. You can customize the definition of the function, either temporarily or permanently, using advise (see (advise-fun)).

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13.5 Kinds of Functions

.setq kinds-of-functions section-page

There are many kinds of functions in Zetalisp. This section briefly describes each kind of function. Note that a function is also a piece of data and can be passed as an argument, returned, put in a list, and so forth.

Before we start classifying the functions, we'll first discuss something about how the evaluator works. As we said in the basic description of evaluation on (description-of-evaluation), when the evaluator is given a list whose first element is a symbol, the form may be a function form, a special form, or a macro form. If the definition of the symbol is a function, then the function is just applied to the result of evaluating the rest of the subforms. If the definition is a cons whose car is macro, then it is a macro form; these are explained in (macro). What about special forms?

.setq special-function page Conceptually, the evaluator knows specially about all special forms (that's why they're called that). However, the Zetalisp implementation actually uses the definition of symbols that name special forms as places to hold pieces of the evaluator. The definitions of such symbols as prog, do, and, and or actually hold Lisp objects, which we will call special functions. Each of these functions is the part of the Lisp interpreter that knows how to deal with that special form. Normally you don't have to know about this; it's just part of the hidden internals of how the evaluator works. However, if you try to add encapsulations to and or something like that, knowing this will help you understand the behavior you will get.

Special functions are written like regular functions except that the keywords &quote and &eval (see (lambda-list-keywords)) are used to make some of the arguments be "quoted" arguments. The evaluator looks at the pattern in which arguments to the special function are "quoted" or not, and it calls the special function in a special way: for each regular argument, it passes the result of evaluating the corresponding subform, but for each "quoted" argument, it passes the subform itself without evaluating it first. For example, cond works by having a special function that takes a "quoted" &rest argument; when this function is called it is passed a list of cond clauses as its argument.

If you apply or funcall a special function yourself, you have to understand what the special form is going to do with its arguments; it is likely to call eval on parts of them. This is different from applying a regular function, which is passed argument values rather than Lisp expressions.

.setq special-form-caveat page

Defining your own special form, by using &quote yourself, can be done; it is a way to extend the Lisp language. Macros are another way of extending the Lisp language. It is preferable to implement language extensions as macros rather than special forms, because macros directly define a Lisp-to-Lisp translation and therefore can be understood by both the interpreter and the compiler. Special forms, on the other hand, only extend the interpreter. The compiler has to be modified in an ad hoc way to understand each new special form so that code using it can be compiled. Since all real programs are eventually compiled, writing your own special functions is strongly discouraged.

(In fact, many of the special forms in Zetalisp are actually implemented as macros, rather than as special functions. They're implemented this way because it's easier to write a macro than to write both a new special function and a new ad hoc module in the compiler. However, they're sometimes documented in this manual as special forms, rather than macros, because you should not in any way depend on the way they are implemented; they might get changed in the future to be special functions, if there was some reason to do so.)

There are four kinds of functions, classified by how they work.

First, there are interpreted functions: you define them with defun, they are represented as list structure, and they are interpreted by the Lisp evaluator.

Secondly, there are compiled functions: they are defined by compile or by loading a qfasl file, they are represented by a special Lisp data type, and they are executed directly by the microcode. Similar to compiled functions are microcode functions, which are written in microcode (either by hand or by the micro-compiler) and executed directly by the hardware.

Thirdly, there are various types of Lisp object which can be applied to arguments, but when they are applied they dig up another function somewhere and apply it instead. These include dtp-select-method, closures, instances, and entities.

Finally, there are various types of Lisp object which, when used as functions, do something special related to the specific data type. These include arrays and stack-groups.

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13.5.1 "Interpreted Functions"

An interpreted function is a piece of list structure which represents a program according to the rules of the Lisp interpreter. Unlike other kinds of functions, an interpreted function can be printed out and read back in (it has a printed representation that the reader understands), can be pretty-printed (see (grindef-fun)), and can be opened up and examined with the usual functions for list-structure manipulation.

There are four kinds of interpreted functions: lambdas, named-lambdas, substs, and named-substs. A lambda function is the simplest kind. It is a list that looks like this:
(lambda lambda-list form1 form2...)
The symbol lambda identifies this list as a lambda function. lambda-list is a description of what arguments the function takes; see (lambda-list) for details. The forms make up the body of the function. When the function is called, the argument variables are bound to the values of the arguments as described by lambda-list, and then the forms in the body are evaluated, one by one. The value of the function is the value of its last form.

A named-lambda is like a lambda but contains an extra element in which the system remembers the function's name, documentation, and other information. Having the function's name there allows the error handler and other tools to give the user more information. This is the kind of function that defun creates. A named-lambda function looks like this:
(named-lambda name lambda-list body forms...)
If the name slot contains a symbol, it is the function's name. Otherwise it is a list whose car is the name and whose cdr is the function's debugging information alist. See debugging-info, (debugging-info-fun). Note that the name need not be a symbol; it can be any function spec. For example,
(defun (foo bar) (x)
  (car (reverse x)))
will give foo a bar property whose value is
(named-lambda ((:property foo bar)) (x) (car (reverse x)))

.setq subst section-page A subst is just like a lambda as far as the interpreter is concerned. It is a list that looks like this:
(subst lambda-list form1 form2...)
The difference between a subst and a lambda is the way they are handled by the compiler. A call to a normal function is compiled as a closed subroutine; the compiler generates code to compute the values of the arguments and then apply the function to those values. A call to a subst is compiled as an open subroutine; the compiler incorporates the body forms of the subst into the function being compiled, substituting the argument forms for references to the variables in the subst's lambda-list. This is a simple-minded but useful facility for open or in-line coded functions. It is simple-minded because the argument forms can be evaluated multiple times or out of order, and so the semantics of a subst may not be the same in the interpreter and the compiler. substs are described more fully on (defsubst-fun), with the explanation of defsubst.

A named-subst is the same as a subst except that it has a name just as a named-lambda does. It looks like
(named-subst name lambda-list form1 form2 ...)
where name is interpreted the same way as in a named-lambda.

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13.5.2 "Compiled Functions"

There are two kinds of compiled functions: macrocoded functions and microcoded functions. The Lisp compiler converts lambda and named-lambda functions into macrocoded functions. A macrocoded function's printed representation looks like:
#<dtp-fef-pointer append 1424771>
This type of Lisp object is also called a "Function Entry Frame", or "FEF" for short. Like "car" and "cdr", the name is historical in origin and doesn't really mean anything. The object contains Lisp Machine machine code that does the computation expressed by the function; it also contains a description of the arguments accepted, any constants required, the name, documentation, and other things. Unlike Maclisp "subr-objects", macrocoded functions are full-fledged objects and can be passed as arguments, stored in data structure, and applied to arguments.

The printed representation of a microcoded function looks like:
#<dtp-u-entry last 270>
Most microcompiled functions are basic Lisp primitives or subprimitives written in Lisp Machine microcode. You can also convert your own macrocode functions into microcode functions in some circumstances, using the micro-compiler.

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13.5.3 "Other Kinds of Functions"

A closure is a kind of function which contains another function and a set of special variable bindings. When the closure is applied, it puts the bindings into effect and then applies the other function. When that returns, the closure bindings are removed. Closures are made with the function closure. See (closure) for more information. Entities are slightly different from closures; see (entity).

.setq select-method page A select-method (dtp-select-method) is an a-list of symbols and functions. When one is called the first argument is looked up in the a-list to find the particular function to be called. This function is applied to the rest of the arguments. The a-list may have a list of symbols in place of a symbol, in which case the associated function is called if the first argument is any of the symbols on the list. If cdr of last of the a-list is not nil, it is a default handler function, which gets called if the message key is not found in the a-list. Select-methods can be created with the defselect special form (see (defselect-fun)).

An instance is a message-receiving object which has some state and a table of message-handling functions (called methods). Refer to the chapter on flavors ((flavor)) for further information.

An array can be used as a function. The arguments to the array are the indices and the value is the contents of the element of the array. This works this way for Maclisp compatibility and is not recommended usage. Use aref ((aref-fun)) instead.

A stack group can be called as a function. This is one way to pass control to another stack group. See (stack-group).

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13.6 Function-Defining Special Forms

.setq function-defining section-page

defun is a special form which is put in a program to define a function. defsubst and macro are others. This section explains how these special forms work, how they relate to the different kinds of functions, and how they interface to the rest of the function-manipulation system.

Function-defining special forms typically take as arguments a function spec and a description of the function to be made, usually in the form of a list of argument names and some forms which constitute the body of the function. They construct a function, give it the function spec as its name, and define the function spec to be the new function. Different special forms make different kinds of functions. defun makes a named-lambda function, and defsubst makes a named-subst function. macro makes a macro; though the macro definition is not really a function, it is like a function as far as definition handling is concerned.

These special forms are used in writing programs because the function names and bodies are constants. Programs that define functions usually want to compute the functions and their names, so they use fdefine. See (fdefine-fun).

All of these function-defining special forms alter only the basic definition of the function spec. Encapsulations are preserved. See (encapsulate).

The special forms only create interpreted functions. There is no special way of defining a compiled function. Compiled functions are made by compiling interpreted ones. The same special form which defines the interpreted function, when processed by the compiler, yields the compiled function. See (compiler) for details.

Note that the editor understands these and other "defining" special forms (e.g. defmethod, defvar, defmacro, defstruct, etc.) to some extent, so that when you ask for the definition of something, the editor can find it in its source file and show it to you. The general convention is that anything which is used at top level (not inside a function) and starts with def should be a special form for defining things and should be understood by the editor. defprop is an exception.

.setq additional-defun-explanation page The defun special form (and the defunp macro which expands into a defun) are used for creating ordinary interpreted functions (see (defun-fun)).

For Maclisp compatibility, a type symbol may be inserted between name and lambda-list in the defun form. The following types are understood:

The same as no type.
&quote and &rest are prefixed to the lambda list.
A macro is defined instead of a normal function.

If lambda-list is a non-nil symbol instead of a list, the function is recognized as a Maclisp lexpr and it is converted in such a way that the arg, setarg, and listify functions can be used to access its arguments (see (arg-fun)).

The defsubst special form is used to create substitutible functions. It is used just like defun but produces a list starting with named-subst instead of one starting with named-lambda. The named-subst function acts just like the corresponding named-lambda function when applied, but it can also be open-coded (incorporated into its callers) by the compiler. See (defsubst-fun) for full information.

The macro special form is the primitive means of creating a macro. It gives a function spec a definition which is a macro definition rather than a actual function. A macro is not a function because it cannot be applied, but it can appear as the car of a form to be evaluated. Most macros are created with the more powerful defmacro special form. See (macro).

The defselect special form defines a select-method function. See (defselect-fun).

Unlike the above special forms, the next two (deff and def) do not create new functions. They simply serve as hints to the editor that a function is being stored into a function spec here, and therefore if someone asks for the source code of the definition of that function spec, this is the place to look for it.

Special Form: def
If a function is created in some strange way, wrapping a def special form around the code that creates it informs the editor of the connection. The form
(def function-spec
  form1 form2...)
simply evaluates the forms form1, form2, etc. It is assumed that these forms will create or obtain a function somehow, and make it the definition of function-spec.

Alternatively, you could put (def function-spec) in front of or anywhere near the forms which define the function. The editor only uses it to tell which line to put the cursor on.

Special Form: deff function-spec definition-creator
deff is a simplified version of def. It evaluates the form definition-creator, which should produce a function, and makes that function the definition of function-spec, which is not evaluated. deff is used for giving a function spec a definition which is not obtainable with the specific defining forms such as defun and macro. For example,
(deff foo 'bar)
will make foo equivalent to bar, with an indirection so that if bar changes foo will likewise change;
(deff foo (function bar))
copies the definition of bar into foo with no indirection, so that further changes to bar will have no effect on foo.

Macro: @define
This macro turns into nil, doing nothing. It exists for the sake of the @ listing generation program, which uses it to declare names of special forms which define objects (such as functions) that @ should cross-reference.

Function: defun-compatibility x
This function is used by defun and the compiler to convert Maclisp-style lexpr, fexpr, and macro defuns to Zetalisp definitions. x should be the cdr of a (defun ...) form. defun-compatibility will return a corresponding (defun ...) or (macro ...) form, in the usual Zetalisp format. You shouldn't ever need to call this yourself.

Special Form: defselect
defselect defines a function which is a select-method. This function contains a table of subfunctions; when it is called, the first argument, a symbol on the keyword package called the message name, is looked up in the table to determine which subfunction to call. Each subfunction can take a different number of arguments, and have a different pattern of &optional and &rest arguments. defselect is useful for a variety of "dispatching" jobs. By analogy with the more general message passing facilities described in (flavor), the subfunctions are sometimes called methods and the first argument is sometimes called a message.

The special form looks like
(defselect (function-spec default-handler no-which-operations)
  (message-name (args...)
  (message-name (args...)

function-spec is the name of the function to be defined. default-handler is optional; it must be a symbol and is a function which gets called if the select-method is called with an unknown message. If default-handler is unsupplied or nil, then an error occurs if an unknown message is sent. If no-which-operations is non-nil, the :which-operations method which would normally be supplied automatically is suppressed. The :which-operations method takes no arguments and returns a list of all the message names in the defselect.

If function-spec is a symbol, and default-handler and no-which-operations are not supplied, then the first subform of the defselect may be just function-spec by itself, not enclosed in a list.

The remaining subforms in a defselect define methods. message-name is the message name, or a list of several message names if several messages are to be handled by the same subfunction. args is a lambda-list; it should not include the first argument, which is the message name. body is the body of the function.

A method subform can instead look like:
  (message-name . symbol)
In this case, symbol is the name of a function which is to be called when the message-name message is received. It will be called with the same arguments as the select-method, including the message symbol itself.

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13.7 Lambda-List Keywords

.setq lambda-list-keywords section-page

This section documents all the keywords that may appear in the "lambda-list" (argument list) (see (lambda-list)) of a function, a macro, or a special form. Some of them are allowed everywhere, while others are only allowed in one of these contexts; those are so indicated.

Variable: lambda-list-keywords
The value of this variable is a list of all of the allowed "&" keywords. Some of these are obsolete and don't do anything; the remaining ones are listed below.

Separates the required arguments of a function from the optional arguments. See (lambda-list).

Separates the required and optional arguments of a function from the rest argument. There may be only one rest argument. See (&rest) for full information about rest arguments. See (lambda-list).

Separates the positional arguments and rest argument of a function from the keyword arguments. See (lambda-list).

In a function which accepts keyword arguments, says that keywords which are not recognized are allowed. They and the corresponding values are ignored, as far as keyword arguments are concerned, but they do become part of the rest argument, if there is one.

Separates the arguments of a function from the auxiliary variables. Following &aux you can put entries of the form
(variable initial-value-form)
or just variable if you want it initialized to nil or don't care what the initial value is.

Declares the following arguments and/or auxiliary variables to be special within the scope of this function.

Turns off a preceding &special for the variables which follow.

Preceding an argument, tells the compiler that the value of this argument will be a function. When a caller of this function is compiled, if it passes a quoted constant argument which looks like a function (a list beginning with the symbol lambda) the compiler will know that it is intended to be a function rather than a list that happens to start with that symbol, and will compile it.

Declares that the following arguments are not to be evaluated. This is how you create a special function. See the caveats about special forms, on (special-form-caveat).

Turns off a preceding &quote for the arguments which follow.

This is for macros defined by defmacro only. Refer to (&list-of).

This is for macros defined by defmacro only. It is similar to &rest, but declares to grindef and the code-formatting module of the editor that the body forms of a special form follow and should be indented accordingly. Refer to (&body).

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13.8 How Programs Manipulate Definitions

.setq programs-that-manipulate-functions section-page

Function: fdefine function-spec definition &optional (carefully nil) (no-query nil)
This is the primitive which defun and everything else in the system uses to change the definition of a function spec. If carefully is non-nil, which it usually should be, then only the basic definition is changed, the previous basic definition is saved if possible (see undefun, (undefun-fun)), and any encapsulations of the function such as tracing and advice are carried over from the old definition to the new definition. carefully also causes the user to be queried if the function spec is being redefined by a file different from the one that defined it originally. However, this warnings is suppressed if either the argument no-query is non-nil, or if the global variable inhibit-fdefine-warnings is t.

If fdefine is called while a file is being loaded, it records what file the function definition came from so that the editor can find the source code.

If function-spec was already defined as a function, and carefully is non-nil, the function-spec's :previous-definition property is used to save the previous definition. If the previous definition is an interpreted function, it is also saved on the :previous-expr-definition property. These properties are used by the undefun function ((undefun-fun)), which restores the previous definition, and the uncompile function ((uncompile-fun)), which restores the previous interpreted definition. The properties for different kinds of function specs are stored in different places; when a function spec is a symbol its properties are stored on the symbol's property list.

defun and the other function-defining special forms all supply t for carefully and nil or nothing for no-query. Operations which construct encapsulations, such as trace, are the only ones which use nil for carefully.

Variable: inhibit-fdefine-warnings
This variable is normally nil. Setting it to t prevents fdefine from warning you and asking about questionable function definitions such as a function being redefined by a different file than defined it originally, or a symbol that belongs to one package being defined by a file that belongs to a different package. Setting it to :just-warn allows the warnings to be printed out, but prevents the queries from happening; it assumes that your answer is "yes", i.e. that it is all right to redefine the function.

Variable: sys:fdefine-file-pathname
While loading a file, this is the generic-pathname for the file. The rest of the time it is nil. fdefine uses this to remember what file defines each function.

Function: fset-carefully symbol definition &optional force-flag
This function is obsolete. It is equivalent to
(fdefine symbol definition t force-flag)

Function: fdefinedp function-spec
This returns t if function-spec has a definition, or nil if it does not.

Function: fdefinition function-spec
This returns function-spec's definition. If it has none, an error occurs.

Function: fdefinition-location function-spec
This returns a locative pointing at the cell which contains function-spec's definition. For some kinds of function specs, though not for symbols, this can cause data structure to be created to hold a definition. For example, if function-spec is of the :property kind, then an entry may have to be added to the property list if it isn't already there. In practice, you should write (locf (fdefinition function-spec)) instead of calling this function explicitly.

Function: fundefine function-spec
Removes the definition of function-spec. For symbols this is equivalent to fmakunbound. If the function is encapsulated, fundefine removes both the basic definition and the encapsulations. Some types of function specs (:location for example) do not implement fundefine. fundefine on a :within function spec removes the replacement of function-to-affect, putting the definition of within-function back to its normal state. fundefine on a :method function spec removes the method completely, so that future messages will be handled by some other method (see the flavor chapter).

Function: si:function-spec-get function-spec indicator
Returns the value of the indicator property of function-spec, or nil if it doesn't have such a property.

Function: si:function-spec-putprop function-spec value indicator
Gives function-spec an indicator property whose value is value.

Function: undefun function-spec
If function-spec has a saved previous basic definition, this interchanges the current and previous basic definitions, leaving the encapsulations alone. This undoes the effect of a defun, compile, etc. See also uncompile ((uncompile-fun)).

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13.9 How Programs Examine Functions

These functions take a function as argument and return information about that function. Some also accept a function spec and operate on its definition. The others do not accept function specs in general but do accept a symbol as standing for its definition. (Note that a symbol is a function as well as a function spec).

Function: documentation function
Given a function or a function spec, this finds its documentation string, which is stored in various different places depending on the kind of function. If there is no documentation, nil is returned.

Function: debugging-info function
This returns the debugging info alist of function, or nil if it has none.

Function: arglist function &optional real-flag
arglist is given a function or a function spec, and returns its best guess at the nature of the function's lambda-list. It can also return a second value which is a list of descriptive names for the values returned by the function. If function is a symbol, arglist of its function definition is used. If the function is an actual lambda-expression, its cadr, the lambda-list, is returned. But if function is compiled, arglist attempts to reconstruct the lambda-list of the original definition, using whatever debugging information was saved by the compiler. Sometimes the actual names of the bound variables are not available, and arglist uses the symbol si:*unknown* for these. Also, sometimes the initialization of an optional parameter is too complicated for arglist to reconstruct; for these it returns the symbol si:*hairy*. Some functions' real argument lists are not what would be most descriptive to a user. A function may take a &rest argument for technical reasons even though there are standard meanings for the first element of that argument. For such cases, the definition of the function can specify, with a local declaration, a value to be returned when the user asks about the argument list. Example:
(defun foo (&rest rest-arg)
  (declare (arglist x y &rest z))
real-flag allows the caller of arglist to say that the real argument list should be used even if a declared argument list exists. Note that while normally declares are only for the compiler's benefit, this kind of declare affects all functions, including interpreted functions.

arglist cannot be relied upon to return the exactly correct answer, since some of the information may have been lost. Programs interested in how many and what kind of arguments there are should use args-info instead. In general arglist is to be used for documentation purposes, not for reconstructing the original source code of the function. When a function returns multiple values, it is useful to give the values names so that the caller can be reminded which value is which. By means of a return-list declaration in the function's definition, entirely analogous to the arglist declaration above, you can specify a list of mnemonic names for the returned values. This list will be returned by arglist as the second value.
(arglist 'arglist)
  => (function &optional real-flag) and (arglist return-list)

Function: args-info function
args-info returns a fixnum called the "numeric argument descriptor" of the function, which describes the way the function takes arguments. This descriptor is used internally by the microcode, the evaluator, and the compiler. function can be a function or a function spec.

The information is stored in various bits and byte fields in the fixnum, which are referenced by the symbolic names shown below. By the usual Lisp Machine convention, those starting with a single "%" are bit-masks (meant to be logand'ed or bit-test'ed with the number), and those starting with "%%" are byte descriptors (meant to be used with ldb or ldb-test). Here are the fields:

This is the minimum number of arguments which may be passed to this function, i.e. the number of "required" parameters.

This is the maximum number of arguments which may be passed to this function, i.e. the sum of the number of "required" parameters and the number of "optional" paramaters. If there is a rest argument, this is not really the maximum number of arguments which may be passed; an arbitrarily-large number of arguments is permitted, subject to limitations on the maximum size of a stack frame (about 200 words).

If this bit is set, the function has a "rest" argument, and it is not "quoted".

If this bit is set, the function has a "rest" argument, and it is "quoted". Most special forms have this bit.

If this bit is set, there are some quoted arguments other than the "rest" argument (if any), and the pattern of quoting is too complicated to describe here. The ADL (Argument Description List) in the FEF should be consulted. This is only for special forms.

This function is not a compiled-code object, and a numeric argument descriptor cannot be computed. Usually args-info will not return this bit, although %args-info will.

There is argument initialization, or something else too complicated to describe here. The ADL (Argument Description List) in the FEF should be consulted.

Note that %arg-desc-quoted-rest and %arg-desc-evaled-rest cannot both be set.

Function: %args-info function
This is an internal function; it is like args-info but does not work for interpreted functions. Also, function must be a function, not a function spec. It exists because it has to be in the microcode anyway, for apply and the basic function-calling mechanism.

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13.10 "Encapsulations"

.setq encapsulate section-page

The definition of a function spec actually has two parts: the basic definition, and encapsulations. The basic definition is what functions like defun create, and encapsulations are additions made by trace or advise to the basic definition. The purpose of making the encapsulation a separate object is to keep track of what was made by defun and what was made by trace. If defun is done a second time, it replaces the old basic definition with a new one while leaving the encapsulations alone.

Only advanced users should ever need to use encapsulations directly via the primitives explained in this section. The most common things to do with encapsulations are provided as higher-level, easier-to-use features: trace (see (trace-fun)) and advise (see (advise-fun)).

The way the basic definition and the encapsulations are defined is that the actual definition of the function spec is the outermost encapsulation; this contains the next encapsulation, and so on. The innermost encapsulation contains the basic definition. The way this containing is done is as follows. An encapsulation is actually a function whose debugging info alist contains an element of the form
(si:encapsulated-definition uninterned-symbol encapsulation-type)
The presence of such an element in the debugging info alist is how you recognize a function to be an encapsulation. An encapsulation is usually an interpreted function (a list starting with named-lambda) but it can be a compiled function also, if the application which created it wants to compile it.

uninterned-symbol's function definition is the thing that the encapsulation contains, usually the basic definition of the function spec. Or it can be another encapsulation, which has in it another debugging info item containing another uninterned symbol. Eventually you get to a function which is not an encapsulation; it does not have the sort of debugging info item which encapsulations all have. That function is the basic definition of the function spec.

Literally speaking, the definition of the function spec is the outermost encapsulation, period. The basic definition is not the definition. If you are asking for the definition of the function spec because you want to apply it, the outermost encapsulation is exactly what you want. But the basic definition can be found mechanically from the definition, by following the debugging info alists. So it makes sense to think of it as a part of the definition. In regard to the function-defining special forms such as defun, it is convenient to think of the encapsulations as connecting between the function spec and its basic definition.

An encapsulation is created with the macro si:encapsulate.

Macro: si:encapsulate
A call to si:encapsulate looks like
(si:encapsulate function-spec outer-function type
All the subforms of this macro are evaluated. In fact, the macro could almost be replaced with an ordinary function, except for the way body-form is handled.

function-spec evaluates to the function spec whose definition the new encapsulation should become. outer-function is another function spec, which should often be the same one. Its only purpose is to be used in any error messages from si:encapsulate.

type evaluates to a symbol which identifies the purpose of the encapsulation; it says what the application is. For example, it could be advise or trace. The list of possible types is defined by the system because encapsulations are supposed to be kept in an order according to their type (see si:encapsulation-standard-order, (si:encapsulation-standard-order-var)). type should have an si:encapsulation-grind-function property which tells grindef what to do with an encapsulation of this type.

body-form is a form which evaluates to the body of the encapsulation-definition, the code to be executed when it is called. Backquote is typically used for this expression; see (backquote). si:encapsulate is a macro because, while body is being evaluated, the variable si:encapsulated-function is bound to a list of the form (function uninterned-symbol), referring to the uninterned symbol used to hold the prior definition of function-spec. If si:encapsulate were a function, body-form would just get evaluated normally by the evaluator before si:encapsulate ever got invoked, and so there would be no opportunity to bind si:encapsulated-function. The form body-form should contain (apply ,si:encapsulated-function arglist) somewhere if the encapsulation is to live up to its name and truly serve to encapsulate the original definition. (The variable arglist is bound by some of the code which the si:encapsulate macro produces automatically. When the body of the encapsulation is run arglist's value will be the list of the arguments which the encapsulation received.)

extra-debugging-info evaluates to a list of extra items to put into the debugging info alist of the encapsulation function (besides the one starting with si:encapsulated-definition which every encapsulation must have). Some applications find this useful for recording information about the encapsulation for their own later use.

When a special function is encapsulated, the encapsulation is itself a special function with the same argument quoting pattern. (Not all quoting patterns can be handled; if a particular special form's quoting pattern cannot be handled, si:encapsulate signals an error.) Therefore, when the outermost encapsulation is started, each argument has been evaluated or not as appropriate. Because each encapsulation calls the prior definition with apply, no further evaluation takes place, and the basic definition of the special form also finds the arguments evaluated or not as appropriate. The basic definition may call eval on some of these arguments or parts of them; the encapsulations should not.

Macros cannot be encapsulated, but their expander functions can be; if the definition of function-spec is a macro, then si:encapsulate automatically encapsulates the expander function instead. In this case, the definition of the uninterned symbol is the original macro definition, not just the original expander function. It would not work for the encapsulation to apply the macro definition. So during the evaluation of body-form, si:encapsulated-function is bound to the form (cdr (function uninterned-symbol)), which extracts the expander function from the prior definition of the macro.

Because only the expander function is actually encapsulated, the encapsulation does not see the evaluation or compilation of the expansion itself. The value returned by the encapsulation is the expansion of the macro call, not the value computed by the expansion.

It is possible for one function to have multiple encapsulations, created by different subsystems. In this case, the order of encapsulations is independent of the order in which they were made. It depends instead on their types. All possible encapsulation types have a total order and a new encapsulation is put in the right place among the existing encapsulations according to its type and their types.

Variable: si:encapsulation-standard-order
The value of this variable is a list of the allowed encapsulation types, in the order that the encapsulations are supposed to be kept in (innermost encapsulations first). If you want to add new kinds of encapsulations, you should add another symbol to this list. Initially its value is
(advise breakon trace si:rename-within)
advise encapsulations are used to hold advice (see (advise-fun)). breakon encapsulations are used for implementing breakon (see (breakon-fun)). trace encapsulations are used for implementing tracing (see (trace-fun)). si:rename-within encapsulations are used to record the fact that function specs of the form (:within within-function altered-function) have been defined. The encapsulation goes on within-function (see (rename-within-section) for more information).

Every symbol used as an encapsulation type must be on the list si:encapsulation-standard-order. In addition, it should have an si:encapsulation-grind-function property whose value is a function that grindef will call to process encapsulations of that type. This function need not take care of printing the encapsulated function because grindef will do that itself. But it should print any information about the encapsulation itself which the user ought to see. Refer to the code for the grind function for advise to see how to write one.

To find the right place in the ordering to insert a new encapsulation, it is necessary to parse existing ones. This is done with the function si:unencapsulate-function-spec.

Function: si:unencapsulate-function-spec function-spec &optional encapsulation-types
This takes one function spec and returns another. If the original function spec is undefined, or has only a basic definition (that is, its definition is not an encapsulation), then the original function spec is returned unchanged.

If the definition of function-spec is an encapsulation, then its debugging info is examined to find the uninterned symbol which holds the encapsulated definition, and also the encapsulation type. If the encapsulation is of a type which is to be skipped over, the uninterned symbol replaces the original function spec and the process repeats.

The value returned is the uninterned symbol from inside the last encapsulation skipped. This uninterned symbol is the first one which does not have a definition which is an encapsulation that should be skipped. Or the value can be function-spec if function-spec's definition is not an encapsulation which should be skipped.

The types of encapsulations to be skipped over are specified by encapsulation-types. This can be a list of the types to be skipped, or nil meaning skip all encapsulations (this is the default). Skipping all encapsulations means returning the uninterned symbol which holds the basic definition of function-spec. That is, the definition of the function spec returned is the basic definition of the function spec supplied. Thus,
(fdefinition (si:unencapsulate-function-spec 'foo))
returns the basic definition of foo, and
(fdefine (si:unencapsulate-function-spec 'foo) 'bar)
sets the basic definition (just like using fdefine with carefully supplied as t).

encapsulation-types can also be a symbol, which should be an encapsulation type; then we skip all types which are supposed to come outside of the specified type. For example, if encapsulation-types is trace, then we skip all types of encapsulations that come outside of trace encapsulations, but we do not skip trace encapsulations themselves. The result is a function spec which is where the trace encapsulation ought to be, if there is one. Either the definition of this function spec is a trace encapsulation, or there is no trace encapsulation anywhere in the definition of function-spec, and this function spec is where it would belong if there were one. For example,
(let ((tem (si:unencapsulate-function-spec spec 'trace)))
  (and (eq tem (si:unencapsulate-function-spec tem '(trace)))
       (si:encapsulate tem spec 'trace `(...body...))))
finds the place where a trace encapsulation ought to go, and makes one unless there is already one there.

(let ((tem (si:unencapsulate-function-spec spec 'trace)))
  (fdefine tem (fdefinition (si:unencapsulate-function-spec
				tem '(trace)))))
eliminates any trace encapsulation by replacing it by whatever it encapsulates. (If there is no trace encapsulation, this code changes nothing.)

These examples show how a subsystem can insert its own type of encapsulation in the proper sequence without knowing the names of any other types of encapsulations. Only the variable si:encapsulation-standard-order, which is used by si:unencapsulate-function-spec, knows the order.

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13.10.1 "Rename-Within Encapsulations"

.setq rename-within-section section-page

One special kind of encapsulation is the type si:rename-within. This encapsulation goes around a definition in which renamings of functions have been done.

How is this used?

If you define, advise, or trace (:within foo bar), then bar gets renamed to altered-bar-within-foo wherever it is called from foo, and foo gets a si:rename-within encapsulation to record the fact. The purpose of the encapsulation is to enable various parts of the system to do what seems natural to the user. For example, grindef (see (grindef-fun)) notices the encapsulation, and so knows to print bar instead of altered-bar-within-foo, when grinding the definition of foo.

Also, if you redefine foo, or trace or advise it, the new definition gets the same renaming done (bar replaced by altered-bar-within-foo). To make this work, everyone who alters part of a function definition should pass the new part of the definition through the function si:rename-within-new-definition-maybe.

Function: si:rename-within-new-definition-maybe function-spec new-structure
Given new-structure which is going to become a part of the definition of function-spec, perform on it the replacements described by the si:rename-within encapsulation in the definition of function-spec, if there is one. The altered (copied) list structure is returned.

It is not necessary to call this function yourself when you replace the basic definition because fdefine with carefully supplied as t does it for you. si:encapsulate does this to the body of the new encapsulation. So you only need to call si:rename-within-new-definition-maybe yourself if you are rplac'ing part of the definition.

For proper results, function-spec must be the outer-level function spec. That is, the value returned by si:unencapsulate-function-spec is not the right thing to use. It will have had one or more encapsulations stripped off, including the si:rename-within encapsulation if any, and so no renamings will be done.

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