[LMH]kick me

Brad Parker brad@heeltoe.com
Mon May 10 14:59:00 2004


I'm probably going to step into it deep, but since this has become a
serious addiction, I'll start with, "Hi, My name is Brad, and I have two
lisp machines..."

I'm on a journey through the original Symbolics patent, which expires
this year, on my birthday :-).  I've been OCR'ing all the code in it,
which includes code to produces the microcode, and perhaps, the
microcode simulator.  I've been running some of it, and making some
progress.  My lawyer friend says that I can get away with distributing
the text of the entire patent, and a script which edits the patent text
into usable lisp files, and not violate any copyright issues. We'll see.

I don't expect to do anything which this, except have fun.

In my journey I've run into Tom Knight's thesis and several papers.  And
of course, the CONS and CADR machines.

My question is this: how close is the Explorer to the CADR?

Was there a lisp based microcode simulator for the CADR?

How close is the "machine code" of a CADR, an Explorer and a 36xx?

sorry if this is wildly divergent...  feel free to yell if this is too
off topic.
