[LMH]Explorer/Microexplorer config ROM dump

Andreas Holz asholz@topinform.de
Sun Mar 21 22:29:01 2004

lispm-hackers-request@lists.unlambda.com wrote:

>Send LispM-Hackers mailing list submissions to
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>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of LispM-Hackers digest..."
>Today's Topics:
>   1.  Nevermore status and ROM hunting (Nyef)
>   2. Re: Nevermore status and ROM hunting (Al Kossow)
>   3. microexplorer config rom (Al Kossow)
>Message: 1
>Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 21:35:22 -0500
>From: Nyef <nyef@softhome.net>
>To: lispm-hackers@lists.unlambda.com
>Subject: [LMH] Nevermore status and ROM hunting
>Hello all.
>I've been messing with Nevermore again. Some of you may have
>noticed that the collection of framebuffer images at
>http://www.dridus.com/~nyef/lispm/nevermore/ now consists of
>8 bitmap files, including some showing progress getting more
>tests to pass the SIB extended diagnostics (my current task
>as far as Nevermore is concerned).
>I'm now running Nevermore from SBCL, which now works fairly
>well (certainly better than the last released version did).
>To help tide you guys over until the next release, I put my
>disassembly and symbol files for the boot microcode in the
>same directory as all the screenshots. The files are
>prom_disassem and prom_symbols. Feel free to try and figure
>out the great swaths of uncommented code in there (and feel
>free to try and fix the Nevermore disassembler to work with
>the contents of the *prom-memory-a* and *prom-memory-m*
>arrays instead of requiring a weird 'prom-combined' file,
>and an actual .el file for working with the disassembly
>could be neat, as would fixing the disassembler to work on
>the .mcr files in the ubin/ directory of the explorer src
>tarball or on a microload partition image... There are a
>lot of possibilities here for an interested person).
>The other thing is, does anyone have or could anyone make an
>image of the Explorer I CPU config ROM? If nobody wants to
>remove the ROM from their working system, would they (you)
>be averse to running a short program to read the ROM into a
>Lisp array and then figuring out how to send that array data
>to me? Thanks in advance to those at least considering it.
>(And, since we're on the subject of ROMs, can anyone get
>images of the ROMs for an Explorer II CPU or MicroExplorer
>board? Once Nevermore is basically working we might want to
>try emulating the later systems as well...)
>Anyway, that's all for now. I'm gonna go back to trying to
>get a few more of those SIB tests to pass...
>Message: 2
>Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 07:20:08 -0800
>From: Al Kossow <aek@spies.com>
>To: lispm-hackers@lists.unlambda.com
>Subject: [LMH]Re: Nevermore status and ROM hunting
>The config rom on the cpu is a surface mount part, and would be difficult
>to remove. It would be better if someone with a working system could dump
>it through software.
>I should be able to get a microexplorer prom dump later today.
>Message: 3
>Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 10:44:31 -0800
>From: Al Kossow <aek@spies.com>
>To: lispm-hackers@lists.unlambda.com
>Subject: [LMH]microexplorer config rom
>no joy. The part is surface mount as well
>if someone has a system handy, it would be fastest to just
>dump the slot config space with macsbug
>unfortunately, all of my nubus macs are in storage right now
>End of LispM-Hackers Digest
Hello Marc,

somethind to do for you!

- Andreas