[LMH]Interlisp-D release dates

William Barnett-Lewis wlewis@mailbag.com
Mon Sep 8 13:50:01 2003

Thank you for the information. As someone who isn't old enough to have
been there at the time, all of that kind of information is like gold to

Speaking of Interlisp, is there anyone here with experiance with Medley
on semi-recent Suns? I have a copy of Version 2 for DOS that I
originally purchased a long time ago, that I have been trying to get to
run under a Sun emulator. However I seem to be unable to get the
keyboard to talk to the image. One emulator dated Dec 17, 1996 runs the
image, but doesn't respond to the keyboard. I've tried a 3.5 emulator
dated Dec 21, 1998 (medley -info says sun-4/5 keyboard support), but the
DOS image causes a "VM too old" error. I do have a dos card in this
Blade 100, but I'd prefer to run natively if I can get it to. I've never
gotten any answer from Venue on these questions.

If anyone has any ideas that they would care to share offlist (as this
is somewhat offtopic), I'd appreciate it.  

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