[LMH]I now have an Explorer I

Al Kossow aek@spies.com
Fri May 17 14:40:01 2002

After 7500 miles of driving, I'm back in the SF Bay Area
with a machine, three disc drives, and a 4.1 manual set.
I dumped the three discs yesterday, and scanned the manual
set today. 

There should also be a CADR on the way. I was able to bring
back most of the hardware docs, and I'll see about getting
some pictures put up. The CADR docs will appear in 
www.spies.com/aek/pdf/MIT and the Explorer manuals at

If someone needs the disc images I can forward the URL off-list.

Now, if I can just find someone willing to give me the software
for the CADR. The machine has a 300mb disc pack, but I'm afraid
after 15 years of sitting around it's going to just crash the 
heads the first time I try running it.

The Explorer was supposed to come with an install tape, but it
didn't ..