[LispM-Hackers] (statusp)

John Morrison jm@mak.com
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 16:24:16 -0400


"James A. Crippen" wrote:
> What's the current status of E3?  How do people feel about it?

I'm still slogging away, albeit s-l-o-w-l-y.

> I'm still all in favor of doing it, but I honestly must admit that I'm not
> sure what the current tasks are.  I think we need some planning.

OK.  Fine by me.

> I am I suppose the \textit{de facto} system administrator.  I'm perfectly
> happy to continue with this role as my major emphasis.  But I need to know
> what people would like to have that would make the job easier.
> Web page?
> Bug tracking?
> Anonymous CVS?

That would be good.  As you know, I did some work and tried to commit
the changes, and ran into the network problems.

> Anonymous FTP?

Maybe for the documents, which are kind of big.  BTW, Fare Rideau
(www.tunes.org) has already asked for me to scan in my copy of the CHINE
NUAL, and I'm sure that if he knew we had the TI SSDN in softcopy, he'd
want that, too.

> A CVS web interface?
> A web bbs?
> An IRC channel/server?

I'm not a big bbs/chat/IRC kind of guy.

> As far as current tasks go, I think we need to have some sort of simple
> task list with a note of the person claiming the task (or if it's
> unclaimed).

I used to have a TODO list file at the top of the sources, but it was
really informal and kind of cryptic (if you're not me, and you probably
don't want to be).

> So to start with I'd like to know what sort of tasks we have.  What's
> necessary *right now* and what is necessary down the road?  What's on the
> critical path?  I'd love to author a task list so we know what our plans
> are.

I was trying to implement the first macroinstruction, and then ran into
my woefully-incomplete DTP-STACK-GROUP implementation (if you could call
it that).  That's pretty much where I am.

> (If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to wake up the project, which seems to
> be sleepy for the past few months.)

Yeah.  Sorry.  New twin girls (now 8 months old, now sleeping through
the night).  Day Job project crisis (done).  Day Job proposal crisis (4,
now done).  So, I have more time now.


==== John Morrison
==== MAK Technologies Inc.
==== 185 Alewife Brook Parkway, Cambridge, MA 02138
==== http://www.mak.com/
==== vox:617-876-8085 x115
==== fax:617-876-9208
==== jm@mak.com