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24. "Introduction"

.setq loop-chapter chapter-number .mindex loop .setq loop-fun page

loop is a Lisp macro which provides a programmable iteration facility. The same loop module operates compatibly in Zetalisp, Maclisp (PDP-10 and Multics), and NIL, and a moderately compatible package is under development for the MDL programming environment. loop was inspired by the "FOR" facility of CLISP in InterLisp; however, it is not compatible and differs in several details.

The general approach is that a form introduced by the word loop generates a single program loop, into which a large variety of features can be incorporated. The loop consists of some initialization (prologue) code, a body which may be executed several times, and some exit (epilogue) code. Variables may be declared local to the loop. The features are concerned with loop variables, deciding when to end the iteration, putting user-written code into the loop, returning a value from the construct, and iterating a variable through various real or virtual sets of values. The loop form consists of a series of clauses, each introduced by a keyword symbol. Forms appearing in or implied by the clauses of a loop form are classed as those to be executed as initialization code, body code, and/or exit code; within each part of the template that loop fills in, they are executed strictly in the order implied by the original composition. Thus, just as in ordinary Lisp code, side-effects may be used, and one piece of code may depend on following another for its proper operation. This is the principal philosophy difference from InterLisp's "FOR" facility. Note that loop forms are intended to look like stylized English rather than Lisp code. There is a notably low density of parentheses, and many of the keywords are accepted in several synonymous forms to allow writing of more euphonious and grammatical English. Some find this notation verbose and distasteful, while others find it flexible and convenient. The former are invited to stick to do.

Here are some examples to illustrate the use of loop. .group
.setq print-elements-of-list-example page
(defun print-elements-of-list (list-of-elements)
    (loop for element in list-of-elements
	  do (print element)))
The above function prints each element in its argument, which should be a list. It returns nil. .end_group .group
(defun gather-alist-entries (list-of-pairs)
    (loop for pair in list-of-pairs
	  collect (car pair)))
gather-alist-entries takes an association list and returns a list of the "keys"; that is, (gather-alist-entries '((foo 1 2) (bar 259) (baz))) returns (foo bar baz). .end_group .group
(defun extract-interesting-numbers (start-value end-value)
   (loop for number from start-value to end-value
	 when (interesting-p number) collect number))
The above function takes two arguments, which should be fixnums, and returns a list of all the numbers in that range (inclusive) which satisfy the predicate interesting-p. .end_group .group
(defun find-maximum-element (an-array)
   (loop for i from 0 below (array-dimension-n 1 an-array)
	 maximize (aref an-array i)))
find-maximum-element returns the maximum of the elements of its argument, a one-dimensional array. For Maclisp, aref could be a macro which turns into either funcall or arraycall depending on what is known about the type of the array. .end_group .group
(defun my-remove (object list)
   (loop for element in list
	 unless (equal object element) collect element))
my-remove is like the Lisp function delete, except that it copies the list rather than destructively splicing out elements. This is similar, although not identical, to the Zetalisp function remove. .end_group .group
(defun find-frob (list)
   (loop for element in list
	 when (frobp element) return element
	 finally (ferror nil "No frob found in the list ~S" list)))
This returns the first element of its list argument which satisfies the predicate frobp. If none is found, an error is generated. .end_group

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